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Friday, December 28, 2012

Loudmouth Inconsiderates

Sitting in the hospital with our new daughter who is sleeping. Everything is nice and peaceful when about 10 people all turn up to see the one person and all damn near yelling with babies trying to sleep.

What happened to visitor limits? My daughter would occasionally jump with fright when they got to loud. I was so tempted to tell them off. But I didn't want to cause a fuss in a ward for newborns.

Just a short post but I'm sure it doesn't need much saying.

You're Turn!
What is you're experience with Loudmouth inconsiderates? What did you do about it?

Public Toilet Filth

Sorry about the long delay in posts but it's funny how life changes can cause you to put things on hold.

"Public Toilets".. Simply thinking about having to use one makes me cringe.

I don't know how bad ladies toilets are on average but guys are 99.99% filth. You have to pick the spot with the least amount of pee to stand in if you are choosing to just do a wiz or the toilet seat with the least amount of pee on the seat even in cases the floor.

How the hell does a person pee all over the place and not in the big troph or toilet bowl in front of them?

I am 6"10' and even I can from way up high hit the target.

The main reason I am outraged at the filth of public toilets is when My son was nearly crapping his pants at 3yr old and I took him to the public toilets. Each toilet was unusable due to the amount of pee all over. Some even had it trailing out of the toilet booths. The smell was dreadful.

What do you do? If my wife hadn't of been there to take him to the women's toilet I would have had to literally held him above the toilet to crap or just let him go all over the place like the other lower form of life that do this.

People please aim better or wipe up after yourself like a human not an animal.

The worst I have seen was gay porn mags and condoms all through the booth I walked into at a shopping center. That's just plain wrong.

Your turn! Comment on your public toilet dramas. What did you do?

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