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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Facebook Cry Babies

We all have them on our Facebook. The ones that make it a habit of seeking attention from negative posts. You yourself may even be one.

Majority of these Facebook cry babies status updates involve them saying how they are sick of people picking on them, their job sucks, their friends suck, their partner is neglecting them, FML.

They are the people where you see one of their posts on you're news feed and think oh here we go again.

The sad thing is the same people enable them by running to them with comments of oh what's wrong, inbox me, etc etc.

It seems some people would prefer to have negative attention than positive.

If you are one of these Facebook cry babies then turn your life around by making your status something that made you smile. See what happens then.

It is much better to get a little attention for something good than a bunch for something bad.

Your Turn!
Do you know someone like this. Are you one of the Facebook cry babies. Comment and have your say.

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