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Monday, August 19, 2013

Bad Parents

I live in an area with very few private rentals ours being the nicest in the area. The large majority of houses around us are government housing. I moved here from a really nice town forty minutes away when I met my wife to be closer to her family.

I can't stand most the parents in this area. Mostly being a parent myself but also because my parents cared enough to supervise me growing up and make sure I was safe.

This post is prompted today after seeing two kids I always see riding bikes or walking up the middle of our road on their own. One looks about four to five years old an his little sister about two to three years of age. Both look like they never bath or wash thei hair. They are half the time bare foot with glass on the ground from stupid teens breaking bottles.

Their parents never care that these keeds are up the street unsupervised. My wife, myself an some other responsible parents often tell them to get home and off the road as some hoons come hooking round the corner.

I have driven out of our street down another street to a very busy road turned on to there then straight away right and past an oval and up a big hill to see the two to three year old girl walking by herself all the way up there. If I had it my way I would have made her get in the ca and taken her home and had a stern talking to her parents. However you can't do tht now days without being a story in a news paper with a description of your car. Thankfully the kid somehow got home safe. Whether her parents noticed she was missing (highly unlikley) or she walked bak home eventually I don't know.

There are some parents who also live accross the road and they are always abusing their kids at the top of their lungs and each other. We are one hundred percent certain they deal drugs. The cops have been their with an ambulance because the couple through knives at each other and the woman got the man in the leg with one. I have opened my door to sign for a delivery to see about seven police trying to get into to the house one day. They had they guys number so they rang him to come get he out.

The poor kids get called all sorts of names and sworn at. I have hear the father tell the boy about ten years old to get something out of the car. When the boy couldn't find the item the father then yelled and screamed calling him a worthless and hopeless little sh*t. I couln't believe it that a father could treat his kid like that. He has also kicked his son out of the house at least four times I know of in the last few months.

These people let their kids of all ages and the neighbouring parents are the same run around unsupervised while they sit inside. When it's time for dinner the mother opens the front door and lets out a loud whistle or two to tell them to come home.

I just can't stand how bad some parents are. Don't they love their kids? It seems like their kids are just a burden on thei life and they couldn't care less about them.

Have you got anyone like this around you or know someone like this? What is your opinion?

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