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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I'll Get My Mates!

This is a follow on from my previous post about recent death threats on my life. The guy had also said in a later phone call that him and his "mates" favour physical violence.

I reckon getting your mates to take one person is the lowest and most pathetic thing you could do. That's just telling the person that you know you can't beat them in a fight on your own and that it would take a group of you to do it. It means the person is really to scared silly to face you on their own.

If you have a problem with someone why don't you sort it out with them yourself. Try talking to them if your to scared to fight them, not threaten to get your mates to bash them. If that fails either leave the dispute or fight them yourself  "1 on 1" or "man to man". Not "Man on a bunch of cowards". That's right you heard me "Cowards". How much of a coward does it take to bring a group of four guys to beat up one. Grow some brass ones and do it your self ya girl.

If someone says they will get there mates onto me I think OK well I'll beat the crap out of you before you get the chance. If I turn up to beat them up and their mates are there. I'd call just as many mates to turn up. Walk up and tell the guy I have the problem with to go 1 on 1. My mates would only be there in case his idiot mates decide to get cowardly and jump in to uneven the odds.

I had a guy tell my wife he was going to get 2 of his mates to come pay me a visit all because I told him to get a job and quit telling me how unfair it is people have more money than him. I lived in the same set of units and was working as I always have. He always came round and complained every time when I was outside about how he is sick of seeing people in their nice cars and buying nice things living in nice houses. The guy has been on the benefits from the government for 20 years. He got a trial job out of the looking the government made him do while we were living there. At the end of the trial he was offered full time work. He knocked it back for no good reason.

That week he came complaining of money issues as usual. I had heard about him turning a down a job when he has a wife and kid (3 kids now and still no job). I had had enough so I came out and said "if you would get off your but and get a job you wouldn't have to come round here complaining to me, a working person that pays taxes for you to bludge for the last 20 years. He just walked off and later told my wife about the 2 guys paying a visit.

When I heard this I was ready to storm round and belt the crap out of him then and there but because he was my uncle in law my wife told me not to. So I yelled at the top of my lungs because the walls were paper thin "Send your little mates round and see what happens to them when they knock on my door, Then you'll be next". Later that day I told my father in law how I wanted to belt his brother and why, he told me I should have.

We arrive home and not long after I hear a scuffle coming from his house. The father in law had gone round and belted him up which I thought was funny as hell. The farther in law works and turns out he didn't appreciate his brother threatening to get some mates to come pay me a visit all cause I told him to get off his lazy but.

The uncle in law still complains. Just very rarely now it's about how the housing commission won't move them out of a unit and into a house. I bite my tongue not to say well get a job and you will be able to rent a bigger house. I don't know how much longer I can keep that up. I try not to stir stuff as much now days since i have a kid to worry about now as well. Not that this guy would do anything because he's scared of me, plus he would have to deal with his own family again.

He has said to me before I know guys that live where I'm at now that would stab you for telling them to get a job. I just laugh and say good on them but I don't care if they don't have a job. I understand that not everyone wants to work just like not everyone wants to watch TV. If they're OK with $300 a week then that's their decision. I only care if I have to listen to that person complaining about how bad their life is because they "don't" get heaps of money off the government and want a better life but won't get off their but and work like everyone else. You get out of life what you put in. If you don't work for the money you don't get the money. Most of us would sooner not work but we know we have to if we want the nice car or the house instead of a unit.

I went a little off the track there with the job stuff but that's another thing that ticks me off and it ties in with the story about my uncle in law.

Anyway the point is for someone to need their mates to fight their own battles, is the most cowardly option. Not to mention you must be a great mate if you would ask your mates to risk imprisonment for bodily harm or even murder if it goes wrong. Just to go bash some guy that just for voicing his opinion or for something trivial.

Also they should just grow up in the first place and realise that if they thought about it it's not that big of a deal. Especially if it means you could go to prison over such a stupid thing.

Your Turn
Tell me if you've ever had to deal with a little pansy getting his mates onto you or at least threatening it. What did you do for them to threaten this? How did you deal with it?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

LOL... Death Threats.

Today's post is about death threats and the funny people who make them. Sorry but death threats are hilarious. They remind me of the movies where the villain reveals his master plan before it is complete giving the hero a chance to thwart their plans.

I look at a death threat as the same thing. Telling someone your going to kill them is the same thing. You think ok so someone just told me they are going to kill me. I have 4 options to deal with this.
1) Go to the police.
2) Get to them before they get to me (But not telling them I'm planning it)
3) Organise a beat down of the person in hopes of making them realise your not to be messed with.
4) Just ignore it.

I usually think to myself yeah your going to kill me but obviously not now and whats there to stop me from reaching out and snapping your neck while you don't expect it right now to prevent your threat from even leaving this building.

Threats remind me of a male peacock fluffing it's feathers in order to make themselves look bigger and more impressive. Grr look at me I'm just over five foot and probably have a small you know what. But I'm going to hide that by puffing up my chest to give myself the illusion I just grew another foot. Then threaten you to make myself feel like a man and over compensate for other areas in my life that don't measure up.

I have some little gay guy threatening my life at the moment. THE FUNNY PART: He never threatens to my face always to my boss and threatens my boss sometimes to.


This shim dropped their computer in to be repaired under warranty. The form they signed states it will take 1-5weeks. We send it off and a company fixes them then sends them back. The repair came back within the 5 week period by 1 day. Just before this time the shims boyfriend had come in while I wasn't there and started having a go at my boss and threatened to "Eliminate me from the picture". I take a statement like that to be a death threat and so does anyone I asked.

Next apparently the computer had a bent case and the cords etc not put back in their place inside the machine. I can't remember exactly but this might be why he threatened me behind my back. I didn't do the repair so I still don't see why he threatened my life. lmao

Then the computer has been away for 17 days and he rings again. This guy just seems to like arguments because it always ends in a yelling match at us and death threats. He rang earlier that day and told my boss he was going to "Cut off his head sh#t down his throat and mop the floor with his head".

Later he called again. He was swearing at my boss over speaker phone so I could hear. Then he proceeded to tell my boss that "him and his mates favour physical violence and that he is going to get me and my boss". The way this guy just fires up and starts slinging threats makes me think he gets off on it the sicko. He's been banned from our other store before. You guessed it he is banned from this one now. I'm looking forward to being the one to tell him that because I want to see if he has the guts to threaten me to my face.

The funny part about threatening physical violence on me is he is to scared to say it to me. I had forwarded the call to my boss the last time not realising it was him. Probably lucky I didn't realise it because while I was listening to the speaker phone call I was biting my hand to trying not explode at the guy. I guess the guy is to scared to threaten me to my face because I'm 6"10' and he only comes up to my nipple. I've lifted guys off the ground and slammed them into the wall when they've threatened to bash me let alone kill me or get their mates on to me (getting mates to fight your battles will be my next topic). I've seen him in the store once or twice before this problem.

Another funny part about people threatening you is, what do they know about you? Usually nothing at all. How do they know that your not tied in with some major gang or that your not some psycho killer just waiting for an excuse to wipe a waste of space out. They don't and that's the funny part. Even if they are only doing it to scare you and make themselves feel tough which face it 99% of the time that's all it is. How do they know you won't take it serious and take out them before they get you. You don't know if you can take them serious in their threat. But a threat is a threat so you have to take each one with the understanding it could be followed through on and mostly laughter at how pathetic they are.

What do you think when someone threatens your life? Do you laugh it off or do you keep looking over your shoulder? Tell us your thoughts. If you have a psychologists point of view as to why people do this let us know I would love to hear it.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas You Gotta Love It And Hate It!

Ti's the season to be jolly. Plus put a giant dent in your wallet. Ouch.

I did some thinking today. That's right thinking. Damn why does my head hurt so much today. Jokes.

I love Christmas don't get me wrong. I love getting to see all my family and everyone be happy and cheery. I especially love the gatherings at my mums because I get to see my Aunt and Uncle and cousins that live a little too far to just drop round and visit.

Everyone sits around laughing and having fun. There's always a delicious meal at each family you stop off at. Believe me I usually have to make a lot of stops. My family and my Wife's family have both parents divorced. So there's four stops to try and fit into 1-2 days. But you have to love it.

My only problem with Christmas is how 'commercialised' it is. People start saving the day after Christmas for the next one. Others max out their credit cards. It's absolute madness. It's the one thing that makes Christmas hard to enjoy. Your sitting there thinking holy crap I just spent a fortune on buying gifts for people when it could have gone on that debt I have or into a savings fund towards my kids education or towards owning my first house. Most of us do a good enough job of racking up the debt on stuff we want let alone on others.

Don't get me wrong, getting presents is great I'm getting that 23inch High Def gaming monitor I wanted from my wife. But all the money we spent on presents on others could have been used to buy the things we wanted for ourselves and not had to shell out another few hundred for gifts on top. Isn't Christmas all about getting together and having a great day as a family. Granted it has it's religious reason for it's name. But Christmas has become a multi cultural day that isn't about Jesus for some and is just about getting the family together each year.

Christmas shouldn't be about how many presents we get or how big and expensive they are it should just be about family and fun. I wouldn't care if I got a hand made card for Christmas or even just a merry Christmas. I still think it's great for the kids to have great Christmas gifts because it's just a major joy to wake up as a kid with a stocking full of toys. It doesn't happen everyday so as a kid it's the most exciting thing all year.

I think you should buy something for your partner and your kids. But for your parents, aunts & uncles get them something that makes a difference instead of that lotto pack they more than likely won't win. Or the ornament that will just collect dust and clutter up the house.

Here's an idea..... Do something to help the less fortunate and give your family member something that shows what you did. It's to late now but for next year this would be great. Agree with your other family members that instead of buying a Christmas gift for each other. Because face it we do have it good anyway. We have a roof over our heads and dinner on the table every night. We even take the Internet for granted but there are people that don't have it still because they can barely afford the roof over their heads.

Sponsor a child in Africa that might not make it to Christmas alive without someone like you to help. Do something to help the children in your local area that won't have a Christmas because their parents just can't afford to or spend everything on you know what. Maybe spend $25 to restore someone in a 3rd world countries eye site. You could donate $20 to help feed an entire family in a 3rd world country for a month. Put the money towards an organisation that means something to your family like Cancer Research, To help train guide dogs for the blind, the list goes on.

If you do this, get or make something to show your family member who or what cause the money is going to help. Like a photo of the family you helped or a certificate from the Salvos or the cancer foundation.

Regardless of what you do next Christmas Even if you spend all that money you do every year on presents. At least put $20 towards giving someone else a better life or the gift of maybe making it to Christmas and not dying of starvation. Then make something to hang on your tree that will remind you each year of what you did. Every year that you do something to help the less fortunate make something to hang on the tree as a reminder.

Your Turn
Do you and your family do anything like this? Or are you going to do something generous next year. I know I will. What's your thoughts on this?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Back Stabing Friends!

Well not that you can call them friends. But don't you hate it when someone acts all nice an claims to be your friend, but then makes stuff up behind your back. Whats even more stupid is this person goes and tells it to a someone who is a real friend to you or a relative. This actual friend / relative that cares, then tells you what that person said because it concerned them they were making stuff up about you.

I'm not going to use names of the following people but I'm sure if the so called friend reads this they will know who they are.

This happened to someone I know recently. It was started by a person they thought was their friend / cousin to be. The person I know was meant to be a bridesmaid at the friends wedding to the person I knows cousin. This so called friend said some really nasty stuff about the person I know all for the sake of having some gossip. The Stupid thing is she told that persons cousin (Her soon to be sister in law).

Did she really think this persons cousin would not be concerned about what they were telling people. Annoyingly The Person that had this stuff said about them is not letting their so called friend have a piece of their mind.

The funny thing is that if you look into the deeper reason why this so called friend feels the need to spread such a damaging rumor about someone that trusts them. You will see that it IS a way to cover up some deep problem they themselves have. To draw the attention away from them.

To me it seems like they themselves are trying to hide the fact that they have been the one doing this bad thing. This is so that every ones focus is on the accused and not on them. They could feel that by voicing their disgust at this false act of someone else that it would make them seem like the person to never do such a thing. This way people dismiss the thought about them if ever brought up.

They could also be feeling guilty about doing this them self so in an attempt to try and get rid of some of that guilt make this story up about someone else as a way of telling people what they wish they could tell them about them self.

Either way they should never do it to someone they claim to be the friend of or are going to marry into the family of.

Who really knows what is going through that sick persons head that they feel the need to destroy a friends life for their own satisfaction. All I have to say is that what ever truth they are hiding deep down is bound to surface 'one day'. When it does it will be a whole lot worse than if they just came out and admitted it now. They will be more likely to lose the loved one they have been hiding it from etc etc.

Your Turn
Have you got a story of someone so despicable that they would run around spreading rumors about you the person they claim to be their friend or someone you know. Are you person that has been doing this to someone and would like to confess your betrayal of a friends trust. Comment below this post if are either.

Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm just looking!

I work in a retail store and nothing annoys me more than the person that just can't make up their mind on if they need your help or not.

You approach them and after greeting them you and they say I'm just looking thanks. You turn around and take 2 steps then they all of a sudden start asking you a question without notice. "Is this the sale price" they ask. You feel like saying that's why it's on a big yellow piece of paper with the more expensive price crossed out but you bite your tongue and say "That's certainly is, It's a great price isn't it". They continue by saying "Ok I'm just going to keep looking". You spin around and take 2 steps to leave again. "And does this have wifi?" they ask out of the blue. Yes it does come with wifi, and as you can see on the sign just above wifi it has a nice big 1TB hard drive" you enthusiastic that they may want your help in choosing a computer now. "Oh ok, thanks I'll just keep looking". By this point your getting a little ticked off with this yo-yo game.

Your nearly at your next customer who looks like they might actually buy something. "And does it come with windows on it?" you hear from behind you. Ok stay calm you think to yourself. "Yes windows comes standard on all computers unless they are Mac" you say using every ounce of your strength not to snap at this person that keeps telling you to go away then asks you back. "Ok just looking, thanks". Your at boiling point now you don't know how much more of this person you can take. Your customer you were going to approach has wondered off into another section and could be taken by another staff member when they get into your section again.

You turn around to see if you can at least get this other customer to decide on something. As you do they walk past casually saying "bye" having bought nothing and made you dizzy because they had you going round like a Merry-Go-Round. After all that yoyoing they didn't even want to buy anything anyway. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

I hate it when people do that. I think my record would have to be a guy that was wondering around the store and did exactly what I described in the example above but he did it something like 10 times. I was ready to strangle him by the end. They make you just want to close the door and tell them they can go when they buy something for wasting your time and making you dizzy.

Your Turn
Tell us what you think or if you have had an experience like this. Just add a comment to this post.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wrong Way Idiot!

I may as well start with one thing that really gets my blood boiling and the reason I decided to start this blog.

This being the idiots that drive the wrong way when there are signs clearly stating they shouldn't.

I hate it when your in a car park that has the arrows on the ground that direct the flow of traffic. People see that the part they want to turn into has an arrow facing toward them and none facing the way they want to go. Still they drive down the wrong way without a care in the world. Then wonder why your abusing them as they drive past. This happened recently in a local car park. You should have heard the serving they got as they went past. The best part is their windows was down. :-)

One time I was driving down a four lane section that is traveled regularly by most residents in the surrounding region when some guy comes driving down the wrong side of the road towards me. I was beeping and abusing and everything. I don't know if he even noticed me because it looked like he was just still casually driving by. I don't know if he had an accident further down, because I was busy watching the traffic in front of me after that but it certainly wouldn't surprise me.

My wife had a similar experience but with hers she had no where to go but put the breaks on and hope the guy driving towards her did the same. The guy had come out of some lights going the wrong way and there were cars either side of her both parked and heading in the opposite direction, where they were meant to be. Plus another car right behind her. This guys in front of her is coming right at her and realises just in time with everyone beeping at him that he is about to have an accident and just stops short of the front of my wifes car. Notice I said the guy realised he was going to have an accident and not that he was going the wrong way. Thats because he proceeded to get out of the car and have a go at my wife saying she went the wrong way. Thats when the driver behind her got our and set him straight. You gotta love it when people gang up on idiot drivers.

I would just love it if those people would wake up out of their own little world and pay more attention to whats around them.

Your Turn
Post your experiences with this sort of thing so we can all be furious with you.

What Is This Blog About?

My name is David. I was driving along when some person going the wrong way in a one way area nearly runs into me, and then has the hide to stick their finger up. Well I'm not shy to sling the abuse back so I'm out the window telling them what for with every bad gesture and word in my vocabulary.

After this incident and a few others that come to mind I thought I might make a blog where I look at the stupid things in life and the world and let you guys voice your opinions and vote on them.

So I hope you enjoy reading my blog and feel free to have a say. Just keep it clean incase kids are reading.

*Note: All opinions posted by visitors of this site do not represent the opinions of the blogs creator. They are an individuals own opinion and not mine. I will do my best to make sure that the words posted by users are kept clean out of courtesy for other readers.
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