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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I'll Get My Mates!

This is a follow on from my previous post about recent death threats on my life. The guy had also said in a later phone call that him and his "mates" favour physical violence.

I reckon getting your mates to take one person is the lowest and most pathetic thing you could do. That's just telling the person that you know you can't beat them in a fight on your own and that it would take a group of you to do it. It means the person is really to scared silly to face you on their own.

If you have a problem with someone why don't you sort it out with them yourself. Try talking to them if your to scared to fight them, not threaten to get your mates to bash them. If that fails either leave the dispute or fight them yourself  "1 on 1" or "man to man". Not "Man on a bunch of cowards". That's right you heard me "Cowards". How much of a coward does it take to bring a group of four guys to beat up one. Grow some brass ones and do it your self ya girl.

If someone says they will get there mates onto me I think OK well I'll beat the crap out of you before you get the chance. If I turn up to beat them up and their mates are there. I'd call just as many mates to turn up. Walk up and tell the guy I have the problem with to go 1 on 1. My mates would only be there in case his idiot mates decide to get cowardly and jump in to uneven the odds.

I had a guy tell my wife he was going to get 2 of his mates to come pay me a visit all because I told him to get a job and quit telling me how unfair it is people have more money than him. I lived in the same set of units and was working as I always have. He always came round and complained every time when I was outside about how he is sick of seeing people in their nice cars and buying nice things living in nice houses. The guy has been on the benefits from the government for 20 years. He got a trial job out of the looking the government made him do while we were living there. At the end of the trial he was offered full time work. He knocked it back for no good reason.

That week he came complaining of money issues as usual. I had heard about him turning a down a job when he has a wife and kid (3 kids now and still no job). I had had enough so I came out and said "if you would get off your but and get a job you wouldn't have to come round here complaining to me, a working person that pays taxes for you to bludge for the last 20 years. He just walked off and later told my wife about the 2 guys paying a visit.

When I heard this I was ready to storm round and belt the crap out of him then and there but because he was my uncle in law my wife told me not to. So I yelled at the top of my lungs because the walls were paper thin "Send your little mates round and see what happens to them when they knock on my door, Then you'll be next". Later that day I told my father in law how I wanted to belt his brother and why, he told me I should have.

We arrive home and not long after I hear a scuffle coming from his house. The father in law had gone round and belted him up which I thought was funny as hell. The farther in law works and turns out he didn't appreciate his brother threatening to get some mates to come pay me a visit all cause I told him to get off his lazy but.

The uncle in law still complains. Just very rarely now it's about how the housing commission won't move them out of a unit and into a house. I bite my tongue not to say well get a job and you will be able to rent a bigger house. I don't know how much longer I can keep that up. I try not to stir stuff as much now days since i have a kid to worry about now as well. Not that this guy would do anything because he's scared of me, plus he would have to deal with his own family again.

He has said to me before I know guys that live where I'm at now that would stab you for telling them to get a job. I just laugh and say good on them but I don't care if they don't have a job. I understand that not everyone wants to work just like not everyone wants to watch TV. If they're OK with $300 a week then that's their decision. I only care if I have to listen to that person complaining about how bad their life is because they "don't" get heaps of money off the government and want a better life but won't get off their but and work like everyone else. You get out of life what you put in. If you don't work for the money you don't get the money. Most of us would sooner not work but we know we have to if we want the nice car or the house instead of a unit.

I went a little off the track there with the job stuff but that's another thing that ticks me off and it ties in with the story about my uncle in law.

Anyway the point is for someone to need their mates to fight their own battles, is the most cowardly option. Not to mention you must be a great mate if you would ask your mates to risk imprisonment for bodily harm or even murder if it goes wrong. Just to go bash some guy that just for voicing his opinion or for something trivial.

Also they should just grow up in the first place and realise that if they thought about it it's not that big of a deal. Especially if it means you could go to prison over such a stupid thing.

Your Turn
Tell me if you've ever had to deal with a little pansy getting his mates onto you or at least threatening it. What did you do for them to threaten this? How did you deal with it?

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