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Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm just looking!

I work in a retail store and nothing annoys me more than the person that just can't make up their mind on if they need your help or not.

You approach them and after greeting them you and they say I'm just looking thanks. You turn around and take 2 steps then they all of a sudden start asking you a question without notice. "Is this the sale price" they ask. You feel like saying that's why it's on a big yellow piece of paper with the more expensive price crossed out but you bite your tongue and say "That's certainly is, It's a great price isn't it". They continue by saying "Ok I'm just going to keep looking". You spin around and take 2 steps to leave again. "And does this have wifi?" they ask out of the blue. Yes it does come with wifi, and as you can see on the sign just above wifi it has a nice big 1TB hard drive" you enthusiastic that they may want your help in choosing a computer now. "Oh ok, thanks I'll just keep looking". By this point your getting a little ticked off with this yo-yo game.

Your nearly at your next customer who looks like they might actually buy something. "And does it come with windows on it?" you hear from behind you. Ok stay calm you think to yourself. "Yes windows comes standard on all computers unless they are Mac" you say using every ounce of your strength not to snap at this person that keeps telling you to go away then asks you back. "Ok just looking, thanks". Your at boiling point now you don't know how much more of this person you can take. Your customer you were going to approach has wondered off into another section and could be taken by another staff member when they get into your section again.

You turn around to see if you can at least get this other customer to decide on something. As you do they walk past casually saying "bye" having bought nothing and made you dizzy because they had you going round like a Merry-Go-Round. After all that yoyoing they didn't even want to buy anything anyway. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

I hate it when people do that. I think my record would have to be a guy that was wondering around the store and did exactly what I described in the example above but he did it something like 10 times. I was ready to strangle him by the end. They make you just want to close the door and tell them they can go when they buy something for wasting your time and making you dizzy.

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