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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Back Stabing Friends!

Well not that you can call them friends. But don't you hate it when someone acts all nice an claims to be your friend, but then makes stuff up behind your back. Whats even more stupid is this person goes and tells it to a someone who is a real friend to you or a relative. This actual friend / relative that cares, then tells you what that person said because it concerned them they were making stuff up about you.

I'm not going to use names of the following people but I'm sure if the so called friend reads this they will know who they are.

This happened to someone I know recently. It was started by a person they thought was their friend / cousin to be. The person I know was meant to be a bridesmaid at the friends wedding to the person I knows cousin. This so called friend said some really nasty stuff about the person I know all for the sake of having some gossip. The Stupid thing is she told that persons cousin (Her soon to be sister in law).

Did she really think this persons cousin would not be concerned about what they were telling people. Annoyingly The Person that had this stuff said about them is not letting their so called friend have a piece of their mind.

The funny thing is that if you look into the deeper reason why this so called friend feels the need to spread such a damaging rumor about someone that trusts them. You will see that it IS a way to cover up some deep problem they themselves have. To draw the attention away from them.

To me it seems like they themselves are trying to hide the fact that they have been the one doing this bad thing. This is so that every ones focus is on the accused and not on them. They could feel that by voicing their disgust at this false act of someone else that it would make them seem like the person to never do such a thing. This way people dismiss the thought about them if ever brought up.

They could also be feeling guilty about doing this them self so in an attempt to try and get rid of some of that guilt make this story up about someone else as a way of telling people what they wish they could tell them about them self.

Either way they should never do it to someone they claim to be the friend of or are going to marry into the family of.

Who really knows what is going through that sick persons head that they feel the need to destroy a friends life for their own satisfaction. All I have to say is that what ever truth they are hiding deep down is bound to surface 'one day'. When it does it will be a whole lot worse than if they just came out and admitted it now. They will be more likely to lose the loved one they have been hiding it from etc etc.

Your Turn
Have you got a story of someone so despicable that they would run around spreading rumors about you the person they claim to be their friend or someone you know. Are you person that has been doing this to someone and would like to confess your betrayal of a friends trust. Comment below this post if are either.

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