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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas You Gotta Love It And Hate It!

Ti's the season to be jolly. Plus put a giant dent in your wallet. Ouch.

I did some thinking today. That's right thinking. Damn why does my head hurt so much today. Jokes.

I love Christmas don't get me wrong. I love getting to see all my family and everyone be happy and cheery. I especially love the gatherings at my mums because I get to see my Aunt and Uncle and cousins that live a little too far to just drop round and visit.

Everyone sits around laughing and having fun. There's always a delicious meal at each family you stop off at. Believe me I usually have to make a lot of stops. My family and my Wife's family have both parents divorced. So there's four stops to try and fit into 1-2 days. But you have to love it.

My only problem with Christmas is how 'commercialised' it is. People start saving the day after Christmas for the next one. Others max out their credit cards. It's absolute madness. It's the one thing that makes Christmas hard to enjoy. Your sitting there thinking holy crap I just spent a fortune on buying gifts for people when it could have gone on that debt I have or into a savings fund towards my kids education or towards owning my first house. Most of us do a good enough job of racking up the debt on stuff we want let alone on others.

Don't get me wrong, getting presents is great I'm getting that 23inch High Def gaming monitor I wanted from my wife. But all the money we spent on presents on others could have been used to buy the things we wanted for ourselves and not had to shell out another few hundred for gifts on top. Isn't Christmas all about getting together and having a great day as a family. Granted it has it's religious reason for it's name. But Christmas has become a multi cultural day that isn't about Jesus for some and is just about getting the family together each year.

Christmas shouldn't be about how many presents we get or how big and expensive they are it should just be about family and fun. I wouldn't care if I got a hand made card for Christmas or even just a merry Christmas. I still think it's great for the kids to have great Christmas gifts because it's just a major joy to wake up as a kid with a stocking full of toys. It doesn't happen everyday so as a kid it's the most exciting thing all year.

I think you should buy something for your partner and your kids. But for your parents, aunts & uncles get them something that makes a difference instead of that lotto pack they more than likely won't win. Or the ornament that will just collect dust and clutter up the house.

Here's an idea..... Do something to help the less fortunate and give your family member something that shows what you did. It's to late now but for next year this would be great. Agree with your other family members that instead of buying a Christmas gift for each other. Because face it we do have it good anyway. We have a roof over our heads and dinner on the table every night. We even take the Internet for granted but there are people that don't have it still because they can barely afford the roof over their heads.

Sponsor a child in Africa that might not make it to Christmas alive without someone like you to help. Do something to help the children in your local area that won't have a Christmas because their parents just can't afford to or spend everything on you know what. Maybe spend $25 to restore someone in a 3rd world countries eye site. You could donate $20 to help feed an entire family in a 3rd world country for a month. Put the money towards an organisation that means something to your family like Cancer Research, To help train guide dogs for the blind, the list goes on.

If you do this, get or make something to show your family member who or what cause the money is going to help. Like a photo of the family you helped or a certificate from the Salvos or the cancer foundation.

Regardless of what you do next Christmas Even if you spend all that money you do every year on presents. At least put $20 towards giving someone else a better life or the gift of maybe making it to Christmas and not dying of starvation. Then make something to hang on your tree that will remind you each year of what you did. Every year that you do something to help the less fortunate make something to hang on the tree as a reminder.

Your Turn
Do you and your family do anything like this? Or are you going to do something generous next year. I know I will. What's your thoughts on this?

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