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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wrong Way Idiot!

I may as well start with one thing that really gets my blood boiling and the reason I decided to start this blog.

This being the idiots that drive the wrong way when there are signs clearly stating they shouldn't.

I hate it when your in a car park that has the arrows on the ground that direct the flow of traffic. People see that the part they want to turn into has an arrow facing toward them and none facing the way they want to go. Still they drive down the wrong way without a care in the world. Then wonder why your abusing them as they drive past. This happened recently in a local car park. You should have heard the serving they got as they went past. The best part is their windows was down. :-)

One time I was driving down a four lane section that is traveled regularly by most residents in the surrounding region when some guy comes driving down the wrong side of the road towards me. I was beeping and abusing and everything. I don't know if he even noticed me because it looked like he was just still casually driving by. I don't know if he had an accident further down, because I was busy watching the traffic in front of me after that but it certainly wouldn't surprise me.

My wife had a similar experience but with hers she had no where to go but put the breaks on and hope the guy driving towards her did the same. The guy had come out of some lights going the wrong way and there were cars either side of her both parked and heading in the opposite direction, where they were meant to be. Plus another car right behind her. This guys in front of her is coming right at her and realises just in time with everyone beeping at him that he is about to have an accident and just stops short of the front of my wifes car. Notice I said the guy realised he was going to have an accident and not that he was going the wrong way. Thats because he proceeded to get out of the car and have a go at my wife saying she went the wrong way. Thats when the driver behind her got our and set him straight. You gotta love it when people gang up on idiot drivers.

I would just love it if those people would wake up out of their own little world and pay more attention to whats around them.

Your Turn
Post your experiences with this sort of thing so we can all be furious with you.

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