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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

LOL... Death Threats.

Today's post is about death threats and the funny people who make them. Sorry but death threats are hilarious. They remind me of the movies where the villain reveals his master plan before it is complete giving the hero a chance to thwart their plans.

I look at a death threat as the same thing. Telling someone your going to kill them is the same thing. You think ok so someone just told me they are going to kill me. I have 4 options to deal with this.
1) Go to the police.
2) Get to them before they get to me (But not telling them I'm planning it)
3) Organise a beat down of the person in hopes of making them realise your not to be messed with.
4) Just ignore it.

I usually think to myself yeah your going to kill me but obviously not now and whats there to stop me from reaching out and snapping your neck while you don't expect it right now to prevent your threat from even leaving this building.

Threats remind me of a male peacock fluffing it's feathers in order to make themselves look bigger and more impressive. Grr look at me I'm just over five foot and probably have a small you know what. But I'm going to hide that by puffing up my chest to give myself the illusion I just grew another foot. Then threaten you to make myself feel like a man and over compensate for other areas in my life that don't measure up.

I have some little gay guy threatening my life at the moment. THE FUNNY PART: He never threatens to my face always to my boss and threatens my boss sometimes to.


This shim dropped their computer in to be repaired under warranty. The form they signed states it will take 1-5weeks. We send it off and a company fixes them then sends them back. The repair came back within the 5 week period by 1 day. Just before this time the shims boyfriend had come in while I wasn't there and started having a go at my boss and threatened to "Eliminate me from the picture". I take a statement like that to be a death threat and so does anyone I asked.

Next apparently the computer had a bent case and the cords etc not put back in their place inside the machine. I can't remember exactly but this might be why he threatened me behind my back. I didn't do the repair so I still don't see why he threatened my life. lmao

Then the computer has been away for 17 days and he rings again. This guy just seems to like arguments because it always ends in a yelling match at us and death threats. He rang earlier that day and told my boss he was going to "Cut off his head sh#t down his throat and mop the floor with his head".

Later he called again. He was swearing at my boss over speaker phone so I could hear. Then he proceeded to tell my boss that "him and his mates favour physical violence and that he is going to get me and my boss". The way this guy just fires up and starts slinging threats makes me think he gets off on it the sicko. He's been banned from our other store before. You guessed it he is banned from this one now. I'm looking forward to being the one to tell him that because I want to see if he has the guts to threaten me to my face.

The funny part about threatening physical violence on me is he is to scared to say it to me. I had forwarded the call to my boss the last time not realising it was him. Probably lucky I didn't realise it because while I was listening to the speaker phone call I was biting my hand to trying not explode at the guy. I guess the guy is to scared to threaten me to my face because I'm 6"10' and he only comes up to my nipple. I've lifted guys off the ground and slammed them into the wall when they've threatened to bash me let alone kill me or get their mates on to me (getting mates to fight your battles will be my next topic). I've seen him in the store once or twice before this problem.

Another funny part about people threatening you is, what do they know about you? Usually nothing at all. How do they know that your not tied in with some major gang or that your not some psycho killer just waiting for an excuse to wipe a waste of space out. They don't and that's the funny part. Even if they are only doing it to scare you and make themselves feel tough which face it 99% of the time that's all it is. How do they know you won't take it serious and take out them before they get you. You don't know if you can take them serious in their threat. But a threat is a threat so you have to take each one with the understanding it could be followed through on and mostly laughter at how pathetic they are.

What do you think when someone threatens your life? Do you laugh it off or do you keep looking over your shoulder? Tell us your thoughts. If you have a psychologists point of view as to why people do this let us know I would love to hear it.


Anonymous said...


xSabby ;)

David :-) said...

Thanks fixed it. Missed it in the read over.

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